Thanks, sweetie. Yeah, we've tried about eytrvehing. I went upstairs and got him up out of bed completely after typing that. Got him a bottle (he is refusing to eat today!! Maybe he'll scarf a lot down tonight!!) and he fell asleep for *10 minutes*. Sigh.Well, he seems much better now. I think he is battling a cold and we might be in for another screaming jag 'round about 6 p.m. I'm not WISHING that; I'm just being realistic and thinking he'll go to bed at 8 after another two-hour screamfest. When he feels better, he's always NEEDY and CLINGY but maybe not so ornery. I've had more than one friend say the word "Benadryl" to me but I think that sort of thing should be reserved for children with genuine sleep issues and be prescribed by a doctor. (Just my opinion)Aunt B, I appreciate your prayers and I miss you too.Mrs. C
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